- Accountants
- Auto Repair (Mechanical Only)
- Daycares
- Dentists and other Non-Emergency
- Detailing/Car Wash
- Doctors & other essential healthcare providers –Labs, Researchers, Veterinarians, Emergency Medical Transportation, Medical Billing, Medical Equipment
- Drive-in Movies
- Drive-thru/Takeout Restaurants
- Engineering
- Exterminators
- Funeral Homes
- Gas Stations
- General Construction (Special Requirements)
- Grocery Stores
- Hair Salons
- Hardware Stores
- Home Fitness Sellers
- Home Healthcare Services
- Janitorial Services
- Laundromats & Dry-Cleaners
- Liquor Stores & Convenience Stores
- Meal Prep Delivery
- Medical Services (Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Optometrist, Orthodontists etc.)
- Newspapers
- Nonperishable Food Wholesalers
- Online Retail Stores
- Pharmacies
- Plant Nurseries
- Radio Stations
- Specialty Contractors*
- Towing
- Trash Collection
- All other industries unaffected during COVID-19 (that are not on the prohibited industry list)
Requirements: 20+ deposits or average deposits of $7,500 or less

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